Monday, 18 February 2008

Thankyou Mr B-R

Since his intervention last week in the Academy debate, Mr Blair-Robinson has served as an effective recruiting sergeant for the NAME campaign. We received a number of e-mails and phone calls over the weekend from people asking to join, offering their support or merely expressing their outrage at Mr Blair Robinson's comments in his letter to the Midhurst and Petworth Observer. Encouragingly, our supporters now range widely in age and occupation.

NAME has a broad base, counting amongst its number active members of the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, Conservative Party, Green Party and Alliance for Green Socialism, along with plenty with no political affiliation. We really do represent a cross section of those in the community who are alive to what the proposed Academy means for Midhurst and its environs. And we have Mr Blair Robinson to thank for further galvanizing our support... so thankyou.


Anonymous said...

this guy is my friends father, and he's only recently lost his younger daughter due to illness
cut him some slack you cruel disgusting people

Trabb's Boy said...

Dear Anonymous. I am truly sorry to hear about your friend's and her father's loss. I can't imagine what it must be like. There was nothing personal directed in the blog post, although a great many people took his comments in the paper very personally and were very hurt by them. So many people were greatly offended by the slurs in his letter that we could not *not* respond.